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"One of the greatest performance limiters for athletes is the lack of consistent and coherent development of psychological skills from a young age"
Dr. Bowes mission is to change the approach to performance psychology with young athletes. Despite the high perceived importance of psychology and reported negative effects of performance due to psychological reasons, actual investment in performance psychology remains very low. Young athletes are given too little, too late & are therefore poorly equipped to meet the psychological challenges they face in sport and indeed life.
Young athletes’ experiences are also significantly influenced by their learning and home environment. Too often the environments they experience unintentionally limit psychological development, promote poor motivational patterns and lead to anxiety, lack of enjoyment, and ultimately limit performance and potential. Despite good intent, the current reality for most young athletes is the lack of consistent, coherent, age-appropriate implementation leads to poor impact. We can and need to do much better!
Dr. Bowes is committed to equipping young athletes with the right psychological skillsets at the right age so they can not only reach higher levels of performance but also maximise enjoyment, learning and develop skills that will benefit them in all aspects of their lives. He is also committed to working with all those who work with young athletes to ensure they have the knowledge and practical tools to provide the optimal environments for young athletes to thrive.
His proven approach ensures
Investment in psychological training is equal to perceived importance and impact on performance
A sustainable, consistent, coherent, proactive approach to psychological issues in youth sport
Young athletes develop the critical psychological skillsets necessary for success
Development of psychological skills through appropriate levelling up
Psychological skill development is embedded in practice rather than added in when things go wrong
School & clubs achieve greater short & longer-term desirable impacts including increase in performance, confidence, self-esteem & wellbeing
Success is redefined to enable young athletes to feel confident and in control
The myths that damage/limit young athletes are removed & replaced with leading science/research & best practice
Psychological literacy is developed from a young age
Parents, coaches and teachers know & have relevant practices and resources to best support their child/children they work with